By purchasing stock at $100.00 per share, with a minimum of 10 shares.

To acquire and hold land to offer as incentives for industrial development.

Nothing, GO is a nonprofit volunteer organization.

Dividends are never paid out to stockholders.

No, it is a private non-profit corporation.

Grow Odessa was incorporated in 1966.

A group of private businessmen desirous of improving the community.
Charter Members:

Winston Barclay, A.K. Barlow, Urbane Childers, William Deaderick, Gayle Dishong, Balie L. Griffith, Derrell Henry, James Key, John Late , Jr., J.M. McCleskey, J.E. Perkins, Charles B. Perry, J.L. Rhoades, Louis Rochester, Ernest Schur

To a degree it does, but it tries primarily to fill a void in the market place.  GO does give incentives to industry.

We are a nonprofit organization dedicated to Odessa's economic development growth.

GO is an all volunteer organization and pays nothing for staff services.

Giving back to Odessa and supporting community growth.  Job creation and bigger tax base helps all Odessans.

Currently GO has over 150 stockholders.

GO makes annual donations to both Odessa College and UTPB for scholarships.  They have donated to UTPB’s Wagner Noel Performing Arts Center.  They have purchased equipment for vocational and technical programs and job training.  They have assisted with City infrastructure development and other requests to help the city grow.

A desire to improve and grow Odessa.

Yes, GO has to make money to further the future development of land and give incentives when necessary. 100% of proceeds stay within the organization to perpetuate its mission.

There is no formal relationship.  GO did support the sales tax campaign that funds the ODC.  GO frequently coordinates incentives to industrial locations with ODC, City of Odessa and Ector County.

Join Grow Odessa Today!

Your membership in the Odessa Industrial Development Corporation is important to the success and future growth of our city.